Last update: 17.2.2025
Visitors on-line: 92
česká verze - czech version
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Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,


South Bohemian town Milevsko lies about 20 km west from the town Tábor and at the same distance northeast of Sand. In the city you can visit many places of interest (Premonstratensian monastery - the oldest monastery in southern Bohemia, Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, St. Giles or Jewish cemetery near the monastery), distant surroundings can be explored during cycling trips in one of the many trails. Chalets and cottages around Milevsko offer good facilities during your family vacation. Easily accessible is also the dam Orlík, which is a frequent destination for water sports enthusiasts and fishermen (holiday near Orlík).

Okrouhlá -

number of found objects: 1  

1 - Milevsko Cottage Okrouhlá -

Okrouhlá -Object code: CH-033 Rent possible 1.5. - 30.9

Holiday villa is situated in the small village Okrouhlá 3 km from Milevsko and 10 km from the Orlík lake in a nice countryside alluring to cycling and walking. At the object there is a nice fenced garden 800 m2 with garden sitting, fire and swimming pool 3,6 m which provides you nice refreshment in summer days. There are three bedrooms in the object, built-up area 150 m2.

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capacity: Nr.of persons: 6, Nr.of bedrooms: 3
Category: 3 hvezdicky
Summer price from: 15500 CZK  
Low season price from: 12400 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.
Guests´ ranking: hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni +hodnoceni + more in object detail

Dog allowed Shopping 0,3 km základní - otevřeno 3x týdně, další nákupy 3 km Milevsko Restaurant 3 km Wood 0,7 km Car park na pozemku Tennis court 3 km - Milevsko Out-door fireplace Shower Swimming in the nature 3 km Swimming pool průměr 3,6 m Train 2 km - Branice Electricity cover 50 kWh v ceně Garden grill Bus 0,3 km Child-cot Fishing in surroundings 10 km - Otava Garden with fence 800 m? Internet Suply water z vlastní studny
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