Last update: 27.7.2024
Visitors on-line: 145
česká verze - czech version
Offer your holiday house into our catalogue for free
Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,


(valid since (24.05.2018)

Dear clients,
we have prepared for your family holiday wide offer of recreational objects in the south Bohemia and other attractive recreational areas in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Romania. We believe that just in our catalogue you will choose a recreational object according to your needs for your quiet and peaceful holiday. It is in your interest to know before coming to your holiday house what you are eligable for, what you can expect and request from us and from the owner of the house, and what we expect from you. We recommend you to pay attention to following "General terms". 


Staying conditions of AGENTURA CHATA TOUR s.r.o. (dále jen AChT) for the stayings mediation arrange mutual contract relations between AChT and clients (individual persons, eventually corporations), as users of mediating services of AChT in accordance with the law  No. 89/2012 - Civil Code and other valid laws relating to the mediating activity in accordance with valid changes and supplements. The Staying conditions are obligatory for all concerned parties.

  • AChT provides mediating services to all interested parties - individuals and corporations. Persons younger than 18 years old can utilize the services accompanied by persons older that 18 years old.
  • The contractual relation between the ordering person and AChT starts up on the basis of a filled order in the catalogue by the dispatchment and deliverance to AChT. The contractual relation is lawfully concluded after the refund of the first payment - the staying deposit.
  • The mediator has the law to cancel the order if the client does not pay the first payment on the bank account of AChT within 5 days after the order dispatchment. At invoiced staying if the client does not keep the payback period mentioned in the invoice.


  • The equipment of the recreational objects is quaranteed by the owner according to the deblockedion in the internet catalogue. The owner is responsible for the object equipment, the technical and hygienic state of the object, the observance of valid regulations and standards, and providing services mentioned in the catalogue.
  • The number of beds including extra beds is fixed as the maximum number of persons including children that can be accommodated in the object. Larger number of persons will not be accommodated without the owner's preceding approval.
  • The major part of recreational objects has basic equipment: the utilitarian water, toilet, electricity, equipped kitchen with the possibility of cooking, bathroom with bath or shower, bed linen. If the equipment of the object is different, this fact is mentioned in the deblockedion of the object.
  • Detail information about the object and immediate surroundings are mentiuoned in the internet catalogue and can be given to a client on request.
  • The stayings are weekly and week multiples. The taking up is always on Saturdays between 3-6 p.m. The termination is always on Saturdays until 10 a.m. The owner of the recreational object (further only the owner) expects clients right at the object. During low season it is possible to arrange with the owner also weekend stayings with the taking up according to clients' requests. In these cases we notify the requested price after the discussion with the owner.
  • In the internet catalogue there are mentioned the prices for stayings in high and low season including the commission of the mediator with VAT. In the order after setting-up the number of weeks in high season, low season or New Year's Eve weeks the height of the first payment - deposit (is remitted to the mediator) and the refund of the after payment are determined and dispayed (the after payment is paid by clients to the owner during the object takeover).
  • The prices of commission services are arranged by agreement under the act No. 526/1990 of the collection about prices as amended by other changed and supplements, namely according to the attractivity of the object and its surroundings, the number of beds, the equipment of the object with regard to the owner's request concerning the height of the refund for rent.
  • Clients pay the owner the tourist tax(cca CZK 5-25 per person and day) contra issued confirmation, and if they have a dog CZK 300 per week as a fee for a dog (max. 2 dogs on the house). After the object takeover clients pay in the key cautionby agreement with the owner up to CZK 3.000 which will be returned back to clients after the faultless object remit by the owner after the staying termination.
  • Sheets are available and included in price, if there is no other notice mentioned in the detail of the object). Electric energy up to the week usage of 50 kWh is included in price. The usage above the 50 kWh is paid by clients after the staying termination. If there is any other notice in the deblockedion, is this notice valid. While using electric heating the refund for used kWh of electric energy is requested! Towels are not available. At objects there is the supply water secured. The adequate usage of the supply cold and warm water and solid fuels in included in the price of the staying. At weekend stays the energy consumption is not included in price.
  • Clients are due to make basic final cleaning (clean floors, wash dishes, kitchen, bathroom) before departure. In case the final cleaning is not made the owner is eligible to demand the refund up to CZK 500 - 1000. In case of the equipment break down clients inform the owner by phone, the owner is due to fix the broken equipment as soon as possible. The owner's phone number is mentioned in the voucher. If clients cause some damage then they are due to announce it to the owner and settle together its refund.
  • Acht reserves the right to make in the presentation of objects ongoing updates, especially the exchange of photographs and deblockedions of individual objects and surroundings (deblockedions which do not fundamentally change the nature of the leased property; the deblockedions that will fundamentally change the nature of the property must be consulted and discussed with the customer).


  • By clicking on a free - available week at the day of the order booking you choose the date of your taking up and in the order you fill in the number of weeks, the number of persons and other needed specifications. In the order you tick off you agree with the "General terms"and you consent to the processing of personal data. 
  •  After filling all obligatory specifications the order can be dispatched. After the order dispatching you will be shown the confirmation, and the summary of the information will be displayed where you are confirmed that within five workdaysafter the order dispatching your ordered staying is temporarily booked for you. At the same time you will be notified of the information necessary for the firts payment - staying deposit- refundon the bank account of AChT (IBAN, BIC, etc.) Please print the information out and follow stated instructions!

  • The definite staying reservationwill be proceeded by AChT at the day of the first payment - staying deposit receipt on the AChT account.After the firts payment refund AChT will send you by post or e-mail the "Confirmation about receiving the first payment". You will be asked to pay the after payment 6 weeks before your arrival. As soon as AChT receives the payment you will be sent the "Confirmation about the reservation and payment" (the voucher) which also serves as the tax document and includes other necessary information, the route deblockedion and the owner's telephone number. You will identify yourselves by this voucher at your arrival.
  • We ask clients for the exact number of persons, the owner of the building reserves the right not to accommodate persons not specified in the order. The owner has the right to check the number of people during the stay and fine a higher number of people in the amount of CZK 2,000 / person, or at his discretion to solve the violation of the conditions by evicting all guests. Clients are not entitled to any compensation for their stay in the event of a breach of these terms and conditions.


  • The first payment - staying deposit should be settled to be assigned on the AChT account at the latest within 5 work days after the order dispatchment! At invoiced stayings the condition for a definitive reservation is the payback period observance stated on the invoice!
  • The client will pay the first payment - deposiTon the AChT account according to given proprieties (IBAN, BIC) within 5 work days from the order dispatchment. For the after paymentyou will be asked 6 weeks before your arrival. In case the after payment is not paid until at 30 days before the check-in without the justification, the staying is automatically cancelled and the client forfeits the pre-payment.
  • The mediator is not responsible for the possible delay with the order disposal or for its expiration in case when a client does not comply with exact instructions for the deposit dispatchment (the amount of the first payment - the staying deposit).


  • The client who withdraws by letter from a booked staying after the issue and dispatchment of the "Confirmation about receiving the first payment" is obliged to follow cancellation terms: booking cancellation 31 days and more before the arrival:   payment duty of 20% from the total staying price
  •  booking cancellation 30-15 days before the arrival: payment duty of 50% from the total staying price
  • booking cancellation 14-0 days before the arrival: payment duty of 100% from the total staying price
  • Stayings which were not cancelled by letter are considered as valid. In case a client does not come to the staying the payment duty is 100% from the total staying price.

We RECOMMEND clients to insure against the cancellation at any commercial insurance company. 

  • If the client provides a substitution the order is attended by standard way and on request the confirmation about the change of the client's is name is issued by which the substitute will be approved at the owner. 
  • If the client has the request to shift already booked and paid staying to another object or term this shift has to be defrayed by a lump sum in the amount of CZK 1.000. There changes cannot be done within 40 days and less before the arrival. 


  • The owner of the object is always responsible for the cleanness, the technical state of equipment and the hygienic state of the object.
  • If the recreational object becomes insufficient for accommodation for reasons of force majeure the mediator has the competence to cancel the staying and has the duty to offer the client an alternate object of the same quality. In case the mediator does not succeed in ensuring an alternate object the mediator will return the firts payment - the staying deposit to the client. The client has not the right on any other compensation.
  • Neither the mediator nor the owner are responsible for the incidental stopping or reduction of the service of public swimming pools, restaurants, shops, discos, cinemas, theatres and other facilities and premises of services which are not possible to anticipate, including the quality of the water in ponds, rivers and lakes which enables swimming during summer season nor for the abnormal occurrence of mosquitos and other flying or crawling insects!
  • In case of a serious infringement of accommodation conditions from the owner's side the client has the right to apply a staying discount at the owner. The complaint has to be delivered as a protocol in written form. All clients' complaints must be solved during stayings, on the day of departure at the latest. The complaints, which were not possible to solve during the staying, will be written up between the guest and the owner of the house, and the guest will announce it subsequently to the mediator (AChT) in the form of booking at the latest 10 days after the staying termination.
  • The mediator is not responsible for any health and property damage which could occur during the client's staying. The client confirms by the order dispatchment he has been acquainted with all staying conditions at the chosen object, and he agrees with them and accepts them in extenso. Complaints must be solved during the time of accommodation and must be discussed together with the owner and the ACHT agent (phone number: +420603769067). The complaint about the untidy object cannot be considered as a complaint - this must be solved during the object takeover.


  • The competition can be participated by all clients who visit through the AChT a recreational object from the offer at All incoming pictures of interiors, exteriors and close surroundings, which describe best the atmopshere of visited object (the pictures can be digital or paper), will be included in the selection. Into the competition there will be placed all pictures sent at the latest until 31.10.2014, in November 2014 there will be the selection. Winners will be informed in time so that they will be able to apply the prize for winter stayings 2014/2015 or summer 2014. The pictures are possible to send on, or through the reviewing forms which are sent to all clients' e-mail addresses after the stayings termination. The pictures are selected by the commission, the winner receives the discount voucher for the next booking in the ammount of CZK 3.000, the other winning participants receive a valuable gift from the firm Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o. Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o. reserves the right to use these pictures for the object presentations on

8)     Consent to the processing of personal data

  • Based on Your consent, we will process Your personal data and contact information, which You have provided to us to handle Your booking orders.These are the folowing personal data: title, surname, address, tel. number, e-mail, personal account number.

  • With Your consent, we can contact You by phone call, SMS, e-mail, post and social networks. Your consent is voluntary and can be canceled any time in writing or other appropriate way..

  • During Your consent You can ask for a correction or change of Your personal data. Also You can ask for deleting all Your personal data and bring up any objections in their use or ask for limits in their processing.

  • You give Your consent for a period of 10 years!

  • ACHT does not provide any presonal data of their clients to the third parties for their marketing or other business activities.

  • We will process Your personal data electronically at the computer and manually by ACHT´s employees. Your personal data will be also processed by external company which provides accountancy and statistics for ACHT..

  • Archiving will be implemented in the ACHT´s office under the management of the company in a secure site..


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