holiday homes Romania:
Romanian countryside captures all lovers of mountains, virgin nature, hiking and cycling. In this country you will find both high mountains and hills grown with leaf trees, naked grass steppes, fertile river lowlands and sea shore - active holiday Romania. Not only in the areas of Stara Huta and Czech Banat you will be surprised by the hospitability and cordiality of local people which are alive especially thanks to the products provided directly by the land. Beautiful countryside, traditional customs, old culture and hospitability are the biggest attractions in this country. Our holiday homes in Romania bring you near this world and provide an unforgettable experience for a long time.
continuation...1 - Muntii Mezesului Cottage Stará Huta (Huta Voivoz)

Holiday chalet is located on the edge of forests in the mountain area Muntii Mezesului continuing to the Transylvanian Alps in the area ecologically and by the civilization unstained. Surroundings are suitable for hiking, cycling, mashroom-picking (forests full of mashrooms on favourable terms), sightseeing trips. Possibility of a horse-drawn carriage ride in surroundings. Two bikes available. Local population (mostly of Slovakian origin) deal with agriculture, produce home-made cheese, bread, sheep-cheese and fabulous tea from herbs they pick themselves. This food is possible to buy, eventually order dinners. The object is newly and nicely furnitured. There is a piece of land with fire, skittles (pl) and a swimming pool without filtration for refreshment.
Possible to provide reference - we have visited the object twice!!
free periods and order here include in my selection recommend the object via e-mail
capacity: nr.of persons 12, nr.of bedrooms 3Category:

Summer price from: 16800 CZK
New Year´s Eve price from: 16800 CZK
Low season price from: 16800 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.