Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,
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Agentura Chata Tour does not either monitor or file texts of these e-mails, does not register or save recipients´ and senders´ e-mail addresses, and does nor register information about senders in any matter.1 - Krkonoše Cottage Paseky nad Jizerou -
Mountain cottage, Paseky nad Jizerou -
Object code: CH-412 Yearlong rent
capacity: Nr. of person: 8, Nr. of bedrooms: 2
Summer price from: 23500 CZK
Winter price from: 21800 CZK
New Year´s Eve price from: 42000 CZK
Low season price from: 18500 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.
In the summer, you can enjoy a forest cycling roads. The cottage is situated on a hiking, jogging and bike path Kořenov - Paseky - Harrachov connected to the Giant Mountain trail. Downhill skiing that are only a short walk to the lifts in the clearings, a short walk away in Rokytnice or in nearby Harrachov. Paseky nad Jizerou have its own museum.
Next to the cottage there is another cottage with a lower capacity (5 persons), which can be found under the code CH-411.
Next to the cottage there is another cottage with a lower capacity (5 persons), which can be found under the code CH-411.
Summer price from: 23500 CZK
Winter price from: 21800 CZK
New Year´s Eve price from: 42000 CZK
Low season price from: 18500 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.
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