Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,
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Agentura Chata Tour does not either monitor or file texts of these e-mails, does not register or save recipients´ and senders´ e-mail addresses, and does nor register information about senders in any matter.1 - Murter Tisno
Object code: HR-832 Rent possible 1.6. - 30.9
Summer price from: 13800 CZK
Winter price from: 12600 CZK
New Year´s Eve price from: 12500 CZK
Low season price from: 12600 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.
Modern furnished apartment is located in the village of Tisno on the mainland. The town of Tisno is ideal for swimming, diving and fishing, as it is due to its location well protected from sea breezes. The apartment, which is separated from the sea only minor local roads, is located on the ground floor. Distance from the center is about 700 m.
capacity: nr. of persons: 2+2, nr. of bedrooms: 1Category:
Summer price from: 13800 CZK
Winter price from: 12600 CZK
New Year´s Eve price from: 12500 CZK
Low season price from: 12600 CZK
Prices for the whole object and week.
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