Last update: 27.7.2024
Visitors on-line: 131
česká verze - czech version
Offer your holiday house into our catalogue for free
Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,

holiday homes Central Bohemia

Central Bohemia is particularly proud of its diversity, variety and wide range of recreational activities and opportunities. Holidays in Central Bohemia are ideal for guests who want to experience this diverse region in the heart of the Czech Republic, to learn from the history and to enjoy peace and relaxation in a mountainous area or near the water. Sights and social and cultural amenities are granted in the areas of Benešov, Prague - surroundings and Příbram, on the other hand walks in the picturesque countryside can be enjoyed in Petrovice or in Brdy. Lovers of water and fishermen appreciate accommodation at the Orlik lake or Slapy dam. For everyone there is something. Our holiday homes in Central Bohemia, will provide excellent support and an excellent starting point for learning this rich region.

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