Last update: 3.5.2024
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česká verze - czech version
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Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,

Fishing holiday - cottages for rent for fisherman

 In our catalog ”Fishing holiday“ you will find not only holiday homes for fishermen, but also recreational villas. Most buildings are located near the water. So, you can choose from a comprehensive offer of  cottages by the river (Lužnice Nežárka, Vltava ...), and for example holiday houses on the lake (Orlik, Trnavka lake, Lake Lipno ...). Cottages by the pond are located near the municipal ponds and near the landlords´ private ponds. In many cases there is no problem to arrange a fishing permit on the spot. We will arrange rental cottages for fishermen throughout the Czech Republic but also for example in Italy or in Hungary. Stays for fishermen will be a nice holiday, you can spend it not only with fishing, but also with cycling, mushroom picking, field trips, etc. Even cheap cottage for the fishermen offers you comfort in a cozy living, sitting on terraces and romantic prospects of mountain peaks.

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