Last update: 30.4.2024
Visitors on-line: 103
česká verze - czech version
Offer your holiday house into our catalogue for free
Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,

Holiday homes region of Olomouc

Olomouc region is rich in both natural attractions and in terms of history and heritage. The biggest attraction here remains the Jeseníky Mountains (the highest mountain Praděd), which is very popular with tourists - accommodation for hikers, mountain stays. His spells have also Jeseníky Mountains in winter, ready prepared cross-country trails in Kralický Sněžník and lifts for downhill skiing, where there are countless - accommodation in mountains, mountain huts.

The place is quiet and clean through the middle suitable for families with children, which can take various trips around the area. In the catalog you will find apartments with an indoor swimming pool, cottages and chalets at the slopes and more. Cottages in the Olomouc Region gives you a nice vacation in Moravia.

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