Last update: 2.5.2024
Visitors on-line: 107
česká verze - czech version
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Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,

Plzeň – calm holidays, families with children, cyclotourism, horses, tourism, walks the Plzeňský region

It stretches there in the southwest of Bohemia, in a southern part of the Westbohemian region – cottages and chalets for rent Plzeň. It borders the Karlovarský region in the northwest, there in the north it shares a part of the border with the Ústecký region, it neighbours the Centralbohemian region in the northeast and with the Southbohemian region in the southeast. It shares a significant part of borders with Bayern, the German federal republic. In the southwest. This region offers an ideal environment for spending winter holidays in the mountains in a rented cottage or chalet.

Recreational stays in the Plzeň area offer the possibility to visit historical and cultural sight of the Plzeň town. Althougt the Plzeňský region is the third largest one in the Czech Republic, with respect to the number of inhabitants it is on place 9 and has the second smallest density of population (after the Southbohemian region). There is a minimum of semi-large towns in the region.

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