Last update: 3.5.2024
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česká verze - czech version
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Agentura Chata Tour s.r.o, Ant. Barcala 21. 370 05 České Budějovice,

Lužické hory - pronájem chat a chalup Lužické hory, ubytování na venkově Lužické hory, chaty na samotě Lužické hory

Lužické mountains are a smaller mountain range in the north of the Czech Republic (the highest peak 793 m above sea level), the characteristic feature of which is a diverse folk architecture. In Lužické mountains we can meet ruins of several castles, the most famous of which is Tolštejn. Preserved nature of the mountains provides pleasant summer and winter holidays, the landscape is suitable for light hiking, biking and skiing in Lužické mountains. 


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